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Bag Conditioning

This high energy class  focuses on a workout with the  combination of bag work using boxing and kickboxing skills, in addition with  different workout  circuits. Circuits will include vary of different exercises using kettlebells, steel maces, medicine balls, free weights, sledge hammers, tires, and more . 

Skill Level : All Levels 

Equipment needed: Gloves, Athletic Attire, Running Shoes


Pad Conditioning

 In this class members will learn proper techniques on how to hold and hit pads and progress through our striking system. Class will broken up by rounds where members will breaking up technique and combinations with sport specific conditioning drills.  Pads class is the perfect class for someone who is looking to learn skill based techniques and burn calories 

Skill Level : Moderate 

Equipment needed: Gloves, Athletic Attire, Muay Thai Pads (optional)


Flex Friday

This fan favorite workout is a 60 min workout where members will focus on strength & conditioning exercises. This class is perfect for all members if your looking to get in shape for a fight or just trying to tone up and have a different workout in the routine. Flex Friday workouts will be at 6 am but also available for members during Open Gym hours. 

Skill Level : All Levels 

Athletic Attire, Running Shoes


Open Gym

Unlimited access to our facility that members have the choice of working out on their own or doing a personal hammer trained workout from our catalog. Our catalog is filled with hundreds of workouts covering all aspects of fitness. 


Drills Class

This high energy class  focuses on a workout with the  combination of drills and live situational work using boxing , kickboxing , mma, and muay thai skills. This class members will learn proper techniques on how to land strikes on an opponent and learn proper defense to strikes coming at themselves. These classes will put you on the right path if your looking to pursue combination or if your looking to learn the highest level of self defense. 

Skill Level : Intermediate 

Equipment needed: Boxing Gloves (10-12oz) , Athletic Attire, Shin Guards, Mouth Piece


GI & No Gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

This class will focus on the gentle art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu where we learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.  Each class will focus on different techniques on the ground and on our feet. 

Skill Level : All Levels 

Equipment needed: rash guards, uniform (gi), board shorts, mouth piece, and flip flops.

Wrestling Class

This class will focus on the sport of wrestling using all techniques from the three different styles scholastic, greco, and freestyle. This class is designed to help the local scholastic wrestler or help the martial artist learning the importance of wrestling.

Skill Level : All Levels ( 7th grade and up) 

MMA Grappling

This class will focus on techniques used  in an MMA fight. Drills will consists of trainstions from striking to takedowns offense and defense. Proper techniques using  submissions and escapes inside a cage and how to use the cage to your advantage. This class is perfect for members looking to challenge their skills to the next level if its to compete or for full self defense. 

Skill Level : Intermediate 

Equipment needed: MMA Gloves (8 oz) , Athletic Attire, Shin Guards, Mouth Piece


Live Training

Live Training - This time period will be open for all live sparring rounds that includes striking , mma, bjj, and wrestling.  

Skill Level : Intermediate 

Equipment needed: MMA Gloves (8 oz) , Boxing Gloves (14 oz) Athletic Attire, Shin Guards, Mouth Piece